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Missile Hotfix Feedback.

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Poll: Your thoughts on missiles. (471 member(s) have cast votes)


  1. Underpowered (209 votes [44.37%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 44.37%

  2. Voted About right (250 votes [53.08%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 53.08%

  3. Overpowered (12 votes [2.55%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 2.55%


  1. Voted Underpowered (170 votes [36.09%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 36.09%

  2. About right (286 votes [60.72%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 60.72%

  3. Overpowered (15 votes [3.18%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 3.18%

Streak SRM's

  1. Underpowered (102 votes [21.66%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 21.66%

  2. About right (305 votes [64.76%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 64.76%

  3. Voted Overpowered (64 votes [13.59%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 13.59%

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#1 rgreat


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 05:36 PM

Vote on.

Feel free to bump this thread for poll to gather more voters.

You could always change your vote later, when you get more playtest time.

Edited by rgreat, 21 March 2013 - 05:44 PM.

#2 Budor


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 05:38 PM

Need to play longer to get a good feel but for now:

LRM = slightly underpowered (they should do a lil bit less dmg than before the 19th patch but more than now)
SRM = seems about right now (need more playtime to be sure)
SSRM = i have no idea, will test by running lights tomorrow

Edited by Budor, 21 March 2013 - 05:39 PM.

#3 MonkeyCheese


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 05:45 PM

SRMs and SSRMs seem perfect now, they still deal damage but you cant boat them for easy mode in things like a srm cat or a high speed ecm raven.
After a few matches I feel that LRMs could be boosted slightly from the hoxfix numbers.

I am just happy that I dont have to currently feel threatened when I see a 3L raven run at me with streaks, now the easy mode raven pilots have to use skill to aim with there Three energy hard points instead of decimating with there Two missile hard points.

#4 Agent of Change


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 06:18 PM

Trying to figure out where to put this and this seems good enough.

I ran an hour of a stalker heavy missile boat prior to the patch then and hour after wards to compare the two.

Now I didn't do any of the math but here are my observations.

Prior to the patch: (4 lRM 15's)

Averaging 1400 to 1600 damage (all missiles gone) (4-6 kills)
Barely need my lasers to finish off mechs.

Post patch: (same mech build)

Averaging 500-700 damage (all missiles gone.) (2-3 kills)
Primarily getting kills from laser coup de graces.

In a stroke a skilled LRM boat pilot (I considered myself to have developed this skill set) has been taken from dominating the scoreboard and leveling the finger of god upon all i survey to focusing fire, using all my tools, and working to get the top spot on the board.

In my mind the LRMs are about right, at this moment, harassing and softening tool worth throwing on a mech but still effective when boated. I don't think they are perfect right now but I do think they are close. I would work on either a slight damage increase (.1 or .2) OR preferably just speed them up a bit and keep damage and pattern the same.

Edited by Agent of Change, 21 March 2013 - 06:19 PM.

#5 M4rtyr


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 06:20 PM

Things feel perfect to me right now actually.

On thing is the CT's seem to be taking more damage then prior and the hotfix thread mentioned they saw spreads hitting CT more, this still in there somewhere?

#6 Noobzorz


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 06:40 PM

LRMs look pretty good at the moment.

I think the only people complaining about them are used to facerolling people effortlessly, and they lack the kind of imagination to understand how unfair that is for people who don't want to sit in a TAG LRM boat in the corner of the map.

I think as they get used to no longer dominating the damage chart without a lick of effort, they will come to see that this change was not only appropriate, but desperately needed.

SRMs also seem good, and there doesn't seem to be much dispute about that. They hit like a truck still, but 3Ls actually need to aim in order to kill you.

Streaks. . . eh. I dunno. The fact that ECM jams them is both crippling and stupid, since it basically means that only 3Ls and 3Ms can kill other 3Ls and 3Ms efficiently.

View PostAgent of Change, on 21 March 2013 - 06:18 PM, said:

Trying to figure out where to put this and this seems good enough.

I ran an hour of a stalker heavy missile boat prior to the patch then and hour after wards to compare the two.

Now I didn't do any of the math but here are my observations.

. . .

In my mind the LRMs are about right, at this moment, harassing and softening tool worth throwing on a mech but still effective when boated. I don't think they are perfect right now but I do think they are close. I would work on either a slight damage increase (.1 or .2) OR preferably just speed them up a bit and keep damage and pattern the same.

I am in awe of you.

Both because you apparently got 1600 damage in a match, and because your attitude is just so. . . sensible. Kudos, and lovely to know that there is someone so humble and self aware out there pulling for team common sense.

Edited by Noobzorz, 21 March 2013 - 06:41 PM.

#7 MischiefSC


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 06:44 PM

I'd say a tiny, tiny buff to LRMs. Like 0.1 and then a 10 or 20% increase in ammo per ton. SRMs are perfect.

#8 Zordicron


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 07:15 PM

I feel they are all about right. After playing tonight-
-There are not so many LRM boats now, but I had one in every match on one side or both.
-People still run and hide from them. It's not like they went from OMGERD to LOLRMS.
-I was able to contribute in a meaningful way on my phracts tonight. Using cover I was able to stay out of harms way, but I also was willing to take a salvo if it meant saving my team mate that was "over there" fighting a two vs one. Last night: NO F'ing way am I running out there!! Sorry bro!
- On one game in the new map, I was caught by two LRM mounting mechs. An Atlas with only one LRM 20, and a stalker with 2 of something while standing on the "side" of a big wall for vantage to shoot at a foe. I had a fair distance to run to escape sight, and I paid for it with orange armor all over my phract, starting at full health and dmg enough to not want to take any more hits in a brawl. i got hit maybe with partials of 6 volleys, but one was only a missile or two on my leg, and another was only half of the stalkers fire. LRM fire will still kill you, or at worst make it so you cannot brawl at all anymore.

-Observed an Atlas with 3 SRM6 +artemis as he fought off a hunchie in his face, a jager out a long ways(didnt get many shots at atlas) and a treb trying to jump snipe(not so good). 3 full volleys of the SRM's made the hunchie all red, basically no armor most anywhere and about to core, and an AC20 shot blew its one torso away after. It ran off, treb and jager sniped atlas to core as hunchie had stripped a far bit of armor while trading shots.
-Splat cats cant one shot stuff now, but they are still a major force, and get danced around in the field. I had some team mates follow a wounded one into tunnel in frozen city and they both got cored trying to finish it off in the closed in space. I need more exposure to make a firm final judgement on these though, I didnt run any of my mechs with SRM personally, just know what I saw.

my streaks on my 2x work about the same as usualy IMO. Not a main weapon on that build, but excellent fire supporting my large lasers and lets me shoot "around the corner" on occasion. Didnt see any drivers "throw it in" while being hopelessly blown away by circling ravens tonight, which makes light mechs feel a little better balance wise to me. I will need more time to better evaluate these.

#9 MonkeyCheese


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 07:28 PM

All I have to say is please dont change the streak damage, its perfect now, it will weed out the raven pilots that cant aim with energy.

#10 Chunkylad


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 07:30 PM

I have had more issues facing Ravens again since this patch. Streaks now seem to only hit the CT, even though they do less damage, it still cores you out with no damage to any other armor.

#11 xxx WreckinBallRaj xxx


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 07:31 PM

SRMs finally got a needed slash, but LRMs are junk again. Time to wait for ECM/BAP rebalance and missile splash fix.

#12 MischiefSC


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 07:31 PM

So, having played an LRM mech and an SRM mech for a bit I'd say both LRMs and SRMs need about 0.1 damage buff and about a 20% ammo/ton increase.

Otherwise perfect.

I could still kill stuff with my C4 SRM-splat JR (4xSRM6+Artemis, 1xERLL) it just took a lot more work - like I was brawling with my 4xLL K2 or something. Which is GOOD. It's more maneuverable and the SRMs do good burst damage at ranges of 0-150m.

Same thing in reverse with LRMs. 4xLRM15 Jag S. I was hurting people but I wasn't 1-shotting folks. I peeled a lot of armor and made them very vulnerable to my team - which was perfect.

LRMs - faster, more ammo/ton now. Damage is about perfect. Maybe a tiny bump, maybe not. Spread is good though, damage is pretty close to perfect. When I park on a peek with my Jag DD and some sniper Dakka (4xAC2 or 4xAC5) I do the same thing. Lot of peeling with some skill, send people to cover but I'm not blowing torsos out at range.

SRMs at close range may not be the ideal kill shot weapon now but they're great for peeling. Fights are lasting longer now which is also good. Positioning, movement, having an escape route for each attack run is vital.

We all got lazy from missiles. You find a place from which to click and kill or you just wait for an opening, jump in and 1 or 2 shot people with a pile of SRMs. Now I have to hit, withdraw, hit, withdraw with my SRMs. A few passes.

Running out of ammo is the problem now. With the same ammo tonnage I'd have for a comparable AC setup I don't have the shots to finish most jobs.

More ammo, faster LRMs (a bit faster. 200KPH maybe) and perhaps a tiny damage buff (maybe not, check with more ammo and more speed for LRMs first I'd say) and a good 20% ammo/ton buff and they're perfect.

#13 rgreat


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 02:43 AM


#14 Alex Novian


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 02:48 AM


#15 Alistair Winter


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 02:55 AM

I don't understand why people want to buff LRMs again, make them do more damage. There was a thread about someone who hit a Cataphract with 4 LRMs (I think it was 20+20+15+15) and it didn't do much damage. Well, guess what? That's just like most weapons in the game. Try hitting a Cataphract with 4 ER PPCs. First of all, it's much harder to hit a moving target with PPCs than LRMs. Second of all, a single volley like that doesn't really do too much damage either. You need to hit your target two or three times to destroy a component, even with 4 ER PPCs.

People are so used to LRMs being OP that it feels weird when they're on the same level as other weapons.

It's too early to tell, but it's a step in the right direction on all three counts, in my book.

#16 Sephlock


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 03:02 AM

They're all about right- its ecm thats the major problem. Everything else might stand a little tweaking, but otherwise... ehh.

#17 Merrik Starchaser


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 03:02 AM

View PostAgent of Change, on 21 March 2013 - 06:18 PM, said:

In my mind the LRMs are about right, at this moment, harassing and softening tool worth throwing on a mech but still effective when boated. I don't think they are perfect right now but I do think they are close. I would work on either a slight damage increase (.1 or .2) OR preferably just speed them up a bit and keep damage and pattern the same.

I like this speed them up Idea a LOT.

#18 Sean von Steinike


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 03:14 AM

LRMs - damage is fine, but they need their flight speed increased significantly
SRMs - these seem fine
SSRMs - Damage is fine but I think their flight profile should be narrowed some, IE: none of this 90-180 degree hairpin turn, shooting at mechs behind you nonsense.

#19 Ph30nix


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 03:18 AM

i voted underpowered but NOT because of damage.


i said in another post i can live with damage but at current damage

Flight speed needs dramatic increase
ECM needs a massive nerf

basicly everything about missles they nerfed earlier they need to undo.

before you judge me look at missles AS A WHOLE.

#20 MN03


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 03:23 AM

I suggest 2 changes.
1) Increase speed (by 50-100% to 150/200m per second)
2) Increase ammo/ton (You now need way more ammo to destroy someone).

Otherwise I'm fine with the current damage.

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